

英 [tʊk]
美 [tʊk]


  • v.

    拿( take的过去式 );接受;学习;取得

  • 英英释义


    • n.
      • the income or profit arising from such transactions as the sale of land or other property


      • the act of photographing a scene or part of a scene without interruption
    • v.
      • carry out

        "take action"; "take steps"; "take vengeance"

      • require (time or space)

        同义词:occupyuse up

      • take somebody somewhere

        "can you take me to the main entrance?"


      • get into one's hands, take physically

        "Can you take this bag, please"

        同义词:get hold of

      • take on a certain form, attribute, or aspect

        同义词:assumeacquireadopttake on

      • interpret something in a certain way; convey a particular meaning or impression

        "How should I take this message?"; "You can't take credit for this!"


      • take something or somebody with oneself somewhere


      • take into one's possession

        "I'll take three salmon steaks"

      • require as useful, just, or proper

        "It takes nerve to do what she did"

        同义词:necessitateaskpostulateneedrequireinvolvecall fordemand

      • pick out, select, or choose from a number of alternatives

        同义词:chooseselectpick out

      • travel or go by means of a certain kind of transportation, or a certain route

        "He takes the bus to work"; "She takes Route 1 to Newark"

      • receive willingly something given or offered


      • assume, as of positions or roles


      • take into consideration for exemplifying purposes

        同义词:considerdeallook at

      • experience or feel or submit to
      • make a film or photograph of something

        "take a scene"


      • remove something concrete, as by lifting, pushing, or taking off, or remove something abstract

        "take the gun from your pocket"

        同义词:removetake awaywithdraw

      • serve oneself to, or consume regularly

        "I don't take sugar in my coffee"

        同义词:consumeingesttake inhave

      • accept or undergo, often unwillingly


      • make use of or accept for some purpose

        "take a risk"; "take an opportunity"


      • take by force
      • occupy or take on

        同义词:assumestriketake up

      • admit into a group or community

        同义词:acceptadmittake on

      • ascertain or determine by measuring, computing or take a reading from a dial

        "take a pulse"; "A reading was taken of the earth's tremors"

      • be a student of a certain subject


      • take as an undesirable consequence of some event or state of affairs


      • head into a specified direction


      • aim or direct at; as of blows, weapons, or objects such as photographic equipment

        同义词:aimtraintake aimdirect

      • be seized or affected in a specified way

        "take sick"; "be taken drunk"

      • have with oneself; have on one's person

        "She always takes an umbrella"


      • engage for service under a term of contract

        "Shall we take a guide in Rome?"


      • receive or obtain by regular payment

        "We take the Times every day"

        同义词:subscribesubscribe to

      • buy, select

        "I'll take a pound of that sausage"

      • to get into a position of having, e.g., safety, comfort

        "take shelter from the storm"

      • have sex with; archaic use

        "He had taken this woman when she was most vulnerable"


      • lay claim to; as of an idea


      • be designed to hold or take

        "This surface will not take the dye"


      • be capable of holding or containing

        "This box won't take all the items"


      • develop a habit
      • proceed along in a vehicle


      • obtain by winning

        "Winner takes all"

      • be stricken by an illness, fall victim to an illness




    took place发生;进行

    took up 拿起;吸纳;接受(take up的过去式)

    took on采取

    took charge of负责;担任

    took down 取下;记下(take down的过去式)

    took ten休息五分钟,小憩

    took shelter躲避

    took a bath洗个澡



    1. The shop took (ie sold goods worth a total of)50000 last week.
    2. He took a mournful view on human affairs.
    3. The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
    4. He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
      他在40 个人的班级里排在第九名。
    5. The usurper took power by force.
    6. He took his hat and then left.
    7. The traveler took out a bottle of water from the pack on his back.
    8. The management took all reasonable safety precautions.


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